Sunday, October 19, 2008

wee...the last time i wrote my blog entry was august and now november is coming too soon and mind you also the yuletide excuse will do good i guess but all i want to say is maybe minding not the problem...or there are these problems but the hell we care... heheh

One thing that made me shocked and even until now i am still in a limbo for the fact that i modeled and do my runway stint when i had the chance to work with a local yet international taste designer during the opening of the Buglasan festival... it was something new to me and jee i love it! hahaha

new things come my way and grabbing them is great. now im disturbed by the fact that i did not do any of my masteral requirement and another incomplete feather to my hat i guess... the hell i care... need to submit grades, just submitted my BIR form and hopefully tomorrow the grades or even partial of it!!!

the call to get wet under the rain is haunting me.. remeber the days when we held on in the rain... lalalalal... hahay.... regrets are there but wala na tay mahimu... hahahy!!

I THANKS nADI FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE.. to the extent that some people think we are lovers.. we laugh at it for we know deep with in us that we are just two crazy creatures enjoying the world of Friendship.. and with this chemistry some people try to get rid the so called thing me and andi have... try to destroy it for their own advantages... hahay!

thanks ning!!!

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